I have been posting my photos of different species I have encountered on the iNaturalist website. Many are species I have found here in the Metchosin Community.
NOTE: I have updated this 2015 post in order to make it appear closer to the other mason bee information
I will use this page to mount pictures sent back by customers who have made their own houses out of recycled materials or have set up experiments to test the materials.
Jim used a router and made grooves on two sides of 1 inch boards and then built a fancy house to protect it. The bees will put their cocoons directly in the hollow holes and then the pieces can be opended up for cleaning later in the fall.
Jim’s box head on
Jean-Paul has a test going comparing the Phragmites tubes with plastic straws in holes drilled into a wooden block. We will be intertested in seeing the results of this trial. I’ll bet on the reed tubes!