ARCHIVAL: This post has been re-dated from 2017 in order to position it closer in the blog to Mason Bee Information
( SOLD OUT for 2017 and 2018) SEE most recent post:
I now have mason bee cocoons available to be picked up at our farm for the Spring Season, 2017. You can email or phone ahead to arrange a time to get them: Osmia lignaria
Currently they have been cleaned and are refrigerated.
Costs for this year for two dozen packets are as follows:
25 Cleaned Mason Bee Cocoons = $15.00
24 (now 30) Phragmites reed tubes= $15.00
For Culturing, I also sell dried natural Phragmites reed grass stem tubes which I harvest from our wetland. I find that these tubes are the the most efficient type of tube for attracting mason bees and reducing parasite infection.
Also inexpensive re-purposed material houses are available.
I also have a selection of re-purposed materials bee houses complete with phragmites tubes installed . These range from $30.00 to $50.00. But I would really encourage you to make your own so samples for ideas will be available.
I am also already planning on attending the following Seedy Saturdays where I will have a display and the blue orchard bees for sale. (click on for links)
January 14: Saanich Seedy Saturday | |
February 4: Qualicum Beach Seedy Saturday. | |
February 18: Victoria Seedy Saturday. | |
February 25: Sooke Seedy Saturday | |
March 4 : Comox Valley Seedy Saturday | |
March 5 : Nanaimo Seedy Sunday |