Oil Tankers in the Strait

I have put together a gallery  on the Race Rocks website to which we add images of ships passing by in the Strait of Juan de Fuca  with seals, sealions and marine birds in the foreground click on this image to link to the gallery :





In the interests of promoting educational opportunities Garry Fletcher offers restricted use of images, audio, data and written information on the https://gfletcher.ca website for educational use by teachers and students. Information may be used for non-commercial purposes by teachers and students in classroom instruction, projects, term papers, etc. without requesting specific permission. Proper acknowledgement of the source must always be included.

For commercial publishing or other use, see the following more detailed information:

All rights are reserved,
Garry Fletcher, gfletcher.ca
COPYRIGHT 2013copy

Rules For Use:

All images, audio, data, documentation, and other materials both electronic and print that may be developed by Garry Fletcher are covered by restrictions, and copyright.

Garry Fletcher, and providers of photographs and authors of original materials on the website specifically retain all rights, including copyright.

Commercial publication or exploitation of metchosinmarine.ca files is specifically prohibited except when authorised by licensed agreement.

To seek permission for any use of the website materials , name(s), audio, data or electronic and print materials for uses other than educational purposes by teachers of students please contact garryf (use the at sign) gmail.com
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Q. May I use images or materials on a web site. Answer: No, but you may link with permission to educational websites.
Q. How do I obtain permission to use the files in a publication, commercially, on a CD-ROM,
Answer: Anyone wishing to use any metchosinmarine.ca information or images for commercial use or publication must request and receive prior permission by contacting Garry Fletcher.
Further, it is expected that, subject to an agreement, adequate compensation will be made to Garry Fletcher
Q. May I use the name gfletcher.ca if I am publishing or creating a web site?
Answer: No. You must seek permission.
Q. May I link to the gfletcher.ca web site?
Answer: We welcome relevant non-commercial educational links. Please contact for approval. For permission to use materials from the gfletcher.ca website, please contact: Garry Fletcher

Permission is granted on a case-by-case basis and approvals are not transferable to other individuals or organisations.




The media on this website, https://gfletcher.ca , audio and video recordings, publications and materials both print and electronic are copyrighted.

In the interests of promoting educational opportunities,  I offer restricted use of images, audio, data and written information in publications on this website for educational use by teachers and students. Information may be used for non-commercial purposes by teachers and students in classroom instruction, projects, term papers, etc. without requesting specific permission, but with notification of myself and proper acknowledgement of the source  always included.

For commercial publishing or other use, see the following more detailed information:

All rights are reserved,
Garry Fletcher COPYRIGHT 2015copy


Rules For Use:

All images, audio, data, documentation, and other materials both electronic and print that may be developed on this website  are covered by restrictions, and copyright.

The photographs and original materials on the website specifically retain all rights, including copyright.

Commercial publication or exploitation of these files is specifically prohibited except when authorised by licensed agreement.

To seek permission for any use of the audio, data or electronic and print materials for uses other than educational purposes by teachers or students please contact garryf (use the at sign) gmail dot com.
Provide me  with;
..details of what specific materials you seek to use. ( include URL of the file from the website).
..outline for what purpose they will be used.
..define the distribution methods you will use
..define the period of time you propose to use the materials
..identify yourself and your organisation and provide a brief background.
..if there is any commercial aspect to your use of our materials; provide details.

..Agree to provide feedback on the nature, extent and use of the materials.


Q. May I print text or images from these websites out for my report, or use them in my classroom?
Answer. Assuming this is a non-commercial academic work, and you are a teacher or student, yes. This type of use is encouraged as long as you contact me and the source is acknowledged.
Q. May I put these on a CD-ROM, for sale in the public domain or otherwise without compensation?
Answer. No.
Q. May I use images or materials on a web site. Answer: No, but you may link my files or images with permission to educational websites.

Q. May I link to the gfletcher.ca web site
Answer: I welcome relevant non-commercial educational links. Please contact me for approval.
For permission to use materials from the website, please contact: Garry Fletcher
Permission is granted on a case-by-case basis and approvals are not transferable to other individuals or organisations.


Moving a Cedar Tree

One Cedar tree in the corner of Alex and Virginies garden which I planted 20 years ago was transplanted in order to open up the light.

Cedar tree about to be moved
Cedar tree about to be moved


Pond Dwellers September 2014

Dragon Fly laying eggs
Dragon Fly laying eggs under a lilypad
water lily
water lily

This video taken ( It will take a few moments to load) in September 2014 shows the hovering-orbital dance of the Mayfly — They belong to the Order Ephemeropterafrom the Greek ephemeros= short lived, as they complete their adult part of the life cycle out of the water in a day. Be sure to click on the arrow on the upper right to see in full screen detail.